Cairan Test Nickle Free


Cairan Kimia untuk test kadar nickle untuk warna plating
Produk import Amerika
Harga per 2 botol
Silahkan pilih: 2 botol cek nikel free atau 2 botol masing-masing cek nikel free dan obat karena kimia nikel.
Prosesnya dengan menggosok bahan yang akan ditest free nickel.
Lama pemesanan = 7 hari kerja

Nickel Alert™ (dimethylglyoxime nickel test) tests for nickel in any metal item like jewelry, watches, belt buckles. Within 30 seconds you will know if the item has even minute amounts of nickel.

Nickel Alert is sensitive enough to detect the presence of free nickel at a level as low as 10 ppm (parts/million)—a threshold below which only individuals with the most pronounced sensitivity to nickel would experience a reaction.

One bottle of Nickel Alert is sufficient for 100 – 150 positive tests.

Let Nickel Alert test for nickel in your jewelry–Not Your Skin!

The convenient two pack lets you keep one bottle at home for testing items and take one with you when you shop for new jewelry! Yes, test the “nickel free” jewelry to verify it really is nickel free!


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